Emergency Contacts
POLICE: For emergencies dial 999,
The police non emergency number is 101. This is the number to call for all non urgent calls. You can also report suspicious activity by email to 101@gloucestershire.police.uk and include photos. The nearest Gloucestershire police station is at Stow-on-the-Wold and is open to the public between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
The local Police Community Support Officers for the parish can be contacted in a number of ways including their website https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/ where you can follow the link to your policing area and use the contact your team link. You can also use the 01452 907200 number for Cotswold District and leave a message or contact 101 with your concern and it will sent to the officer via our control room.
DOCTOR: For emergencies dial 999. For over-the-phone advice dial 111.
There are two practices which serve Weston Subedge: Barn Close Surgery In Broadway (38-40 High Street, Broadway, WR12 7DT Tel: 01386 853651), and Campden Surgery in Chipping Campden (Back Ends, Chipping Campden, GL55 6AU, Tel: 01386 841894). Most information can be found on the respective websites.
HOSPITAL: For emergencies dial 999. For over-the-phone advice dial 111.
The Minor Injuries Unit is open from 8am to 8pm. The unit is staffed by specialist Nurses known as Emergency Nurse Practitioners with support from medical staff and GPs as required.
Evesham Community Hospital
Has a minor injuries unit and other facilities
Has full A&E but is further away.
FIRE SERVICE: For emergencies dial 999.
A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is provided in the office room. This can be used on liquid fires and electrical fires.
For burning pans, cover with a wet cloth.
For furniture fires use water.
Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 999.
Yell "Fire!" several times and go outside right away. Leave all your things where they are and save yourself.
If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second way out. Never open doors that are warm to the touch.
If you must escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your exit. Close doors behind you.
If smoke, heat or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with doors closed. Place a wet towel under the door. Open a window and wave a brightly coloured cloth or flashlight to signal for help.
Once you are outside, alert neighbours and go to the car park then get one person to call the fire service. Remember the address is East Barn, Friday Street, Weston Subedge, GL55 6QH.
We sometimes get mice in the roof space, you may hear them scurrying about. I'm afraid that there's only one solution, and Sue will do it and send us the bill.
There is a bee's nest around the back of the house, they will not bother you. A few get into the house, just encourage them to go out. We do however keep the office skylights and the window that overlooks next door's garden closed.
PLUMBER: Call Freddie of Red Kite Hosts on 07712 411794
ELECTRICIAN: Call Kevin on 07818 517277
The fuse board is situated in the cupboard under the stairs. In the event of a circuit failure, try to switch the circuit on at the fuse board, if this does not work, contact our management team.
LOCKSMITH: Call KEYTEK on 01386 578059
OWNER: Email at 4eastbarn@gmail.com
MANAGER: Call Freddie of Red Kite Hosts on 07712 411794